Saturday, October 5, 2013

Monet Magic

All my years of fascination with Monet's works are culminating in these copies or rather inspired works that am doing just to unwind and convalesce!Actually am quite thankful to my health for giving me this opportunity to enjoy and splatter paints to copy the great master's works. I have a small book of his paintings which I keep next to my heart and am freaking out on these now.This is the ultimate Wellness thingie!

One good thing about brushwork is that you use such less amount of paint!Hope to do a few more of these till am back on my feet. Also will give finishing touches once am perky.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Some Practice

What happens when the one who brandishes the knife goes under it? Well..he/she resorts to the brushes! Am having fun lazing at home with these brushes which I fished out from somewhere. The most amazing thing is the little amount of paint that you get around to using vis a vis the amounts you use while piling with the palette knife!

Brushing up

Oil on Canvas.
12 x 16 inch
This is a brushwork, inspired by a painting of Monet. Am recuperating at home and wanted to unwind with what else but art. However, am not yet fully charged to work on something original, so tried a little brush work to freshen my mind and Monet is always an inspiration for me!